Tuesday 11 March 2014

The Lipstick Tag!

My Lipstick storage and majority of my collection

I was tagged the other day on instagram (@beautylocale, yes shameless plug..) by Lipstick and Linguine to do this tag and I thought yeah, why not I do love my lip products so I thought this would be fun!

Lipsticks and lip products in general are something that I tend to buy quite a lot of and recently I've had to restrain myself when standing in front of makeup counters and the stands in Priceline and say to myself, 'No Millie, no more'. Mostly because I feel like a lot of the lip products in my stash get neglected and I get into a routine of using a particular few and then end up buying duplicates or seriously similar shades because I've forgotten what I already have. Generally for lipsticks I prefer matte formulas, I don't know why I just never really used to be into lipgloss I think maybe because of the way your hair gets stuck on your mouth in the wind and they can feel tacky and gross, so I used to prefer lipstick but I'm slowly getting more into lipgloss and even more so, lip lacquers which you can probably tell from my previous post.

Enough rambling.. onto the tag!

1. How many lipsticks do you own?

Not sure I want to know this myself and because of the way my lipsticks are stored and displayed, they're on display and quite obvious so are one of the first things that my friends notice when they come over and always say to me, 'You have a problem'. Yeah well.. Already knew that. Moving on, all is well. Soo I think I just counted 54, give or take a few that are hiding in various bags. I kept it to lipsticks only so that's no lip crayons, balms or lacquers. Whoopsies..

2. What was the first lipstick you owned?

Pretty sure I actually just got rid of this lipstick but I think it was a shimmery pink Revlon lipstick. That from memory was the first lipstick I bought myself, wanting a nice 'everyday' shade that turned out to not suit me whatsoever.

3. What is your favourite lipstick brand?

I'll cheat and say a high end and drugstore type brand. So for a cheaper alternative, hands down Rimmel. Especially the Kate Moss ranges which are all matte so right up my alley but the formula is amazing- colour payoff, lasting power they've got it all they do. I have a few from their normal line in the black packaging and 'Asia' is one of my favourite YLBB-Your Lips But Better shades as well as their moisturising formula in the purple packaging for great Nude shades.
High end, I guess I would have to say MAC. The more high end products I try the more I move away from MAC and understand that they have an amazing reputation but new brands are constantly launching with amazing products. In saying that I can't go past their eyeshadows and lipsticks, I think it's maybe the way they have them displayed just staring at me all and wanting me to swatch them. Chanel also does amazing colours and formulas and I definitely want to try more of theirs.

4. What is your most worn lipstick?

This question links back to my ramble at the beginning. So many of my lipsticks have been neglected in recent times it's hard to say if I have a most worn. For everyday shades, I tend to go for either MAC's Brave or Craving, Rimmel's Asia, Nude Delight, Notting Hill Nude. Brighter shades and more bold lip colours I just alternate depending on the rest of my face.

Most worn 'everyday' lipsticks

5. What is your favourite finish?

Matte. Definitely not one for any kind of shimmery, glittery lipstick.

6. What was the last lipstick you bought?

Last lipSTICK, emphasis on lipstick rather than lip product I think was my Dior Dolce Vita lipstick which was around January.. hey, go me! That's quite a while.

7. How many lip products do you have in your bag? (Including balms and glosses)

I posted a photo on instagram of this just the other week and I think I counted 8 or 9.. Tad excessive

8. What is your favourite red lip colour?

Definitely MAC Ruby Woo. The perfect blue-toned red which is super flattering.

9. How do you store your lipsticks?

I actually use a T2 gift box that I got and I've put one of those acrylic lipstick organisers inside of it which I got off ebay for a ridiculously low $2-3. The others that I don't use as much are stored underneath in pull out drawers.

10. What lipsticks are you currently lusting after?

There's always a MAC shade that I have written down on my lust list but as I mentioned before I would like to try more of Chanel's offerings as well as the YSL Rouge Volupte but everytime I swatch them they seem quite sheer but they look beautiful on other people. All of which are a slight dent to the wallet at over $40 each so it will be a slow collection..

That was fun! I think I'll try to do more of these tag type blog posts in the future. I know there are plenty out there in the blogosphere. Feel free to leave me recommendations

That High-end packaging gets me everytime!

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