Tuesday 12 August 2014

The Luxury Face Mask

GlamGlow is a high-end face mask brand that gets quite a bit of hype on social media and YouTube but at quite a high price point, I was a little hesitant to take the plunge but then I had a yolo/feeling spendy moment and thought really, if this can improve my skin then it is worth the pennies! I bought  Super Mud months ago from MeccaCosmetica but it was one of those things that I didn't want to use  because it's an expensive product. Anyone else have that logic?! It's ridiculous I know, and it's why things can sometimes go to waste in my collection. (I'm working on it I swear!) Another reason I hadn't opened it yet was because I had so many masks already open and on the go so I didn't really want to add the collection hence I waited to finish a few of them.

not the most appealing looking product
GlamGlow's time to shine finally came last week and boy, did it shine! I came home from a long day at work and was feeling a mask so I double cleansed and removed all my makeup and opened the little pot of muddy goodness. For $70+ the size of the pot looks ridiculously small but they say you'll get 17 uses for full-face or over 100 uses as a spot treatment. From this I took the less is more approach and just put a thin layer all over my face; as I've seen in reviews and on YouTube it dries to a light grey on the majority of your face and in the spots that it's targeting more deeply it stays a darker colour. Hard to explain but if you've used it you'll probably understand or even if you've seen photos. I think it recommends to leave the mask on for 15-20 mins and I probably was closer to the 20-25 minute mark by the end, I just got a bit distracted. As it is a clay mask it dries quite stiff so don't put this on before you want to eat or have some serious discussions or laugh or really make any facial expression 'cos it won't be happening. I used a face washer (flannel) and warm water to remove it which was super easy and I could honestly see a big improvement in the redness of my breakouts and skin in general and once dried it felt super smooth. It calmed my skin but also brought some icky bits to the surface so improved overall clarity.

A couple of minutes after application

The next night (or night after) I used it as a spot treatment on my more deep/blind spots which I probably left on for 10-15mins and they definitely felt reduced afterwards. Since putting a photo up on Instagram I've been told that the Super Mud is no longer sold in Australia due to some ingredient that it contains.. slightly worrying but I guess it must just be Australian regulation because it's still readily available overseas and online if you're interested. If anyone knows more on that please feel free to inform me! Now that I'm convinced of it's magic I'm very eager to try more from GlamGlow especially Thirsty Mud and their newest addition, Power Mud- a dual cleanse treatment that turns to oil and is apparently great for heavy makeup users like myself who for the most part wears foundation on the daily. GlamGlow if you're listening (or MeccaCosmetica for that matter) please bring more of your range to Australia!


  1. Lovely review, but I could never try out glam glow because its too expensive! I nominated you for the Liebster Award <33 http://nichellexoxo.weebly.com/home/liebster-award
    xo, Nichelle

    1. It is quite pricey, I must've been feeling splurgey at the time! Thanks for the nomination, I've already got a Liebster post in the works but I'll see if I can incorporate your questions in as well

  2. The Thirsty Mud is really good, especially since my skin has been a tad dehydrated with this crazy winter weather. Rachel

    1. I've got my eye on it, Nicole Guerriero had me sold!

    2. Also I think it was me that said the mask isn't available in Australia anymore, well I jumped on the Mecca website and its available! Clearly someone at Mecca doesn't know her stuff....

    3. Yeah pretty sure it was you who told me we couldn't get it anymore but I don't think you were wrong because I didn't see it online or instore for ages. Only recently did I spot it on their site and let out a little excited gasp :) so don't say that, you defs know your stuff girl!


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