Tuesday 8 July 2014

The Debate | To Prime or Not?

"To prime, or not to prime.. That is the question." - Anon

But really, should we be worried about using a primer or just not bother and skip the whole faff completely? I was asking myself this very question maybe 6 months ago before I had really tried a few primers or seen any difference when I had used one for that matter. Beauty brands seem to be bringing out more and more primers these days that are designed to combat various issues and problem points- oiliness, redness, pores, dullness, dehydration, dark spots, pigmentation, textural issues; the list goes on! There are a few brands in particular that have become quite regarded for their primers like Benefit's Porefessional and now their new release for anti-shine as well as Smashbox's wide range of primers combatting almost all of the previously mentioned issues. As well as this, more and more 'accessible' and I suppose drugstore brands are bringing out their own versions of similar products which is what prompted me to write this post. With the release of an awaited 'drugstore' product I felt slightly more well-rounded in the primer world and able to share with the blogosphere my thoughts.

All Over Face
The Hourglass Mineral Veil Primer which I think if I mention once more I'm going to annoy myself for being so boring and anyone who is reading this. I've expressed my love and adoration for this product many times so check out previous posts if you're interested.

L'Oreal Magic Blur- Available from Priceline so it is much more accessible and retails for $24.99. This product created a big hype in the YouTube land as well as all over beauty blogs. It was one of the first drugstore primers to create a wide interest and I waited and waited for it to hit our Australian shores. Months later, during a casual stroll in my local Priceline there it was on the middle shelf just at eye-line for my ease, the Magic Blur! Here to save the day and blur all my imperfections and make me look airbrushed in real life all day everyday. Safe to say I had fairly high hopes for this little tube. I've only used it a few times now and despite this being recommended as an all over face product, I think for my skin type it's better suited to just being focused on problem areas like my t-zone and the pores beside my nose. So far I haven't been overly impressed with how it seems to make my face more oily rather than having the opposite effect that I hoped for. It does fill in the pores so this can fit into two categories of this post but I might do a more detailed post in the future when I've been using it for longer.

Benefit Porefessional, like the Hourglass primer I don't think I need to say anymore on this product. It is  a cult product for a reason. It fills in the pores to create a more smooth surface and doesn't break up your makeup throughout the day, make my skin more oily nor does it highlight my pores and make them centre of attention.

Innoxa Pore Vanishing Cream A great drugstore dupe for the Benefit Porefessional and does match up pretty well to it's Benefit counterpart. It is still a silicone texture making it great for filling in pores but the texture is slightly (only ever so) to the Benefit. I bought this on recommendation from Australian YouTube gals and was intrigued and excited to try a more affordable product and see if it truly does compare. I would say it is a great alternative, I'm not sure it has the same lasting power as the Benefit but if it is more in your price range then it is a great product but I guess same with a lot of things, the original is often the better.

Urban Decay Primer Potion was the first eye primer I had ever used and I've been using it for probably six months consistently as in I reach for it everyday that I'm wearing makeup, whether it be only eyeliner or a full on eye for a night out. I like to know that whatever I'm putting on my lids is going to stay and not crease if I'm going to put in the time and effort to blend it all in! Plus it's just not the look I want to have my eyeshadow creasing and smudging throughout the day.

Too Faced Shadow Insurance  One of my beautiful pals bought me the Too Faced Blogger Box from Sephora while she was in the States and this was one of the products included. I haven't tried a great deal of Too Faced products, not for any particular reason, just haven't been on my radar too much so I was very excited to have minis of some of their more popular products to test out. In comparison to the Urban Decay it's extremely similar in texture and smell and for me it has the same great lasting power and helps my eyeshadow stay all day and avoid creasing.

On the 'To Try' list are the L'Oreal Lumi Magique which is more for radiating and creating that glowy, dewy skin so I'm reserving that for Winter to brighten up my skin. Also for eyes, my next purchase I think will be the Nars Smudge Proof Eyeshadow base which has been recommended online as well as to me by advisors at beauty counters.

Not so impressed- despite my mentioning them at them beginning of this post, the Smashbox Photo Finish Primers. I got a tester of the original oil-free version from Mecca Maxima and very glad I didn't purchase it because I felt it did more bad than good. My makeup definitely didn't last all day and from memory just broke up especially in my t-zone and around my nose. Not a fan and I don't think I even finished my little tester pot.

Instagram- @beautylocale

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